About Us

Flashback to January of 2016 : This was the moment. After a year of intense brainstorming sessions and a vision for a better future of nutrition for all the people around the globe, body sport nutrition finally came into existence.Not the most dramatic story out there eh? Well, we know that, but dramatic isn’t quite what we are made of. We dare and we dare to be great. With the idea to change the entire dynamics of the health supplement industry that has become majorly dubious over the years, we have set out to create a brand that puts assured quality & science into its range of products. With that vision and all it entails, we know we are going to be the contenders to the champions existing out there. But you know what? That’s why we dare and we love that. So, as we embark on our new journey from humble beginnings, we heartily welcome all of you: the darers, the crazy ones, the innovators, the dreamers, the believers, the achievers, the underdogs, to join us for this epic ride as we take the health and fitness industry by storm.


We have always believed that transparency is the foundation of trust. That’s what sets us apart from our competition. We offer products with non-proprietary formulas that are properly dosed using the highest quality ingredients with all the formulations being backed by scientific research. Every single raw material used in our products is identity tested before production. This ensures that our products do not contain any WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) prohibited substances, giving everyone the reassurance that we produce only high quality products. Furthermore, our final products are tested in Third party independent laboratories as well. To add to that, our production facilities are under the constant supervision of Health Inspectors. Our production facilities are certified GMP and HACCP facilities. You can be sure that everything leaving our warehouse meets the highest standards. So whenever you decide to try our products, you can simply close your eyes and Choose Confidently.


All team members are largely trained and experienced, having worked as distinguished professionals in the industry. We work in close partnership with scientists and dieticians to achieve our goal. BodySport's Nutrition partners and employees work in a dynamic and enriching terrain where people come first. This environment fosters the development of both professional and personal qualities in all participants. The team distinguishes itself by complimentary services that can provide solutions to your workout and supplementation needs. Our team providing high-quality products at reasonable prices is a great way to help our customers achieve the energy and health they require for their bodies


body sports Nutrition primary goal is to create innovative, high- quality nutritive products with superior taste powered by the most effective ingredients. We're motivated by the desire to provide you with the best possible product solutions for you to achieve your physique and fitness goals as quickly and safely as possible. We're committed to providing consistent and remarkable product innovations.

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