whey gold from body sports nutrition

Helps amplify muscles, enhance physical strength, and help lose weight Protein supplements and protein powders are proven and recommended for improving muscle mass in men as well as women, young and old, trained or untrained. However, just taking whey protein alone doesn’t mean you’ll magically look like a bodybuilder overnight.

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Helps amplify muscles, enhance physical strength, and help lose weight Protein supplements and protein powders are proven and recommended for improving muscle mass in men as well as women, young and old, trained or untrained. However, just taking whey protein alone doesn’t mean you’ll magically look like a bodybuilder overnight.
Scientifically proven whey protein amplification efficiency. In certain sports such as weightlifting, increasing strength is the ultimate goal. A systematic review of several research studies found that incorporating a protein supplement to support strength training can lead to up to a 9% increase in 1RM (the maximum amount of weight a person can lift for one repetition.)

Eating whey protein can help you gain lean muscle. The more muscle you have, the more energy it takes to maintain those muscles in the body, so increasing your muscle mass will increase your metabolic rate (RMR) over time.


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